Vayikra 5771

  • Great Personalities

    (Torah Portion Vayikra) Great Personalities This week we begin reading Vayikra, the third book of the Torah, which begins with the word “Vayikra” – “And He called.” G-d called our leader Moshe and instructed him about the sacrificial offerings performed in the Temple. Commentators explain that whenever G-d commanded Moshe, He first called him, as …

  • Classified Info Leaks

    (Torah Portion Tzav) Classified Info Leaks In the past few weeks the world has witnessed tremendous change, uncertainty and unrest in the Middle East; the earthquake and tsunami in Japan caused a massive death toll and a current fear of radioactive contamination; and in Itamar, Israel, a couple and three of their young children were …

  • The Tallest Man I Knew

    (Torah Portion Shimini) The Tallest Man I Knew (A Special Tribute-See Below) Many people are under the impression that the laws of Kosher were established because of health issues, such as to protect from disease or because of the lack of cleanliness of certain species. If one follows this line of thinking, one may say …

  • Renewal With the Moon

    (Torah Portion Tazria) Renewal With the Moon Every year, on the Shabbos before Rosh Chodesh Nisan, we read an additional segment from a second Torah scroll. In this portion, G-d commanded Moshe to sanctify the new month with the appearance of the new moon. This command was issued while the Jews were still in Egypt …

  • Lessons for the Week

    (Torah Portion Metzora) Lessons for the Week The Parshas of this week and last, deal primarily with tzaraas – colored patches on one’s home, clothing or body – which were spiritual signs that the sin of Lashon Harah – speaking ill of others – was transgressed. The Medrash points out that when these laws are …

  • Fake ID

    (Torah Portion Acharai Mos) Fake ID The City of Vilna was shocked! The husband of a young bride had vanished leaving no indication of his whereabouts. Thus, his wife became an Agunah, unable to remarry until credible information about his death was received, or until he appeared to give his wife a Get – Jewish …

  • A Bit too Early

    (Pesach 5771) A Bit Too Early Thirty years before the Jews left Egypt, 200,000 members of the tribe of Efraim escaped making their way to the Promised Land of Canaan via the Land of the Philistines. When they reached the city of Gat, the Philistines waged battle against the escapees and wiped them out. What …

  • Love Should Conquer

    (Torah Portion Kedoshim) Love Should Conquer We count a 49 day period leading us to the Holiday of Shavuos, starting from the second night of Pesach. Our Sages tell us that the Jews in Egypt had sunk to the 49th level of impurity. Had they sunk to the 50th level of impurity, the lowest level, …

  • A Glimpse of the Humble

    (Torah Portion Emor) A Glimpse of the Humble According to our Kabalistic teachings, each Hebrew month of the year has a unique color/stone, a Hebrew letter, and is associated with a particular tribe. Iyar, the month we welcome today, is associated with the Hebrew letter Vuv. The letter Vuv means, “and” when it appears as …

  • Powerless to Potential

    (Torah Portion Behar) Powerless to Potential One of the laws in this week’s Torah portion deals with one who became impoverished and had no resort other than to sell his ancestral allotted parcel of land in Israel. The law states that after two years following the sale, a relative of the seller may redeem the …

  • Most Wanted

    (Torah Portion Bechukosai) Most Wanted I want to focus on a person who was pursued and hunted, and found refuge in a cave for 12 years. No, he was not a mass murderer, terrorist or one wanted for his evil behavior. On the contrary…. he was placed on the most wanted list by the Romans …