Tag: Beshalach


This week, Aviva Silverman, the bereaved mother of IDF soldier Uriel Silverman, who fell fighting in the Southern Gaza strip, spoke movingly and passionately at her son’s funeral and called for an end to the divisiveness within Israel. Aviva addressed her words to the media and said that, “I don’t think you realize how much …

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Going Beyond!

The other day, a friend called me and told me the following story: In the Shul that he attends, he was introduced to a person who does driving on the side to supplement his income. Although using Uber is more economical, he hired the driver for an early pick up the next day. That evening …

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  One of the most miraculous displays that G-d performed for His people was the splitting of the Red Sea. Two million people crossed the dry and level seabed, and there were 12 pathways, each divided by an erect wall of water. Our Sages tell us that during this miraculous experience even the simplest of …

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Daily Song!

The Torah relates that many Egyptians came along with the Jews when they left Egypt. These Egyptians were awestruck by G-d’s many miracles and wanted to be part of the Jewish nation. The Medrash states that an astronomical number of Egyptians joined them. A question raised is, why does G-d specifically praise the Jews through …

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Designer Walls!

One of the greatest miracles in history was that G-d split the Red Sea for the Jewish people to allow them to pass through safely. The sea then drowned the remnant of the Egyptian army. The Torah relates that after this colossal event our leader Moshe led the Jews in a song of thanks to …

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Blank Space!

At the conclusion of the Torah reading in the synagogue someone is honored with lifting the Torah. He lifts it up and spreads it out so that at least three columns of the sacred writing are shown to the congregants. When the congregation sees the script they recite two verses of the Torah beginning with, …

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Phenomenal Food

(Torah Portion Beshalach) Phenomenal Food As the enormous Jewish nation traveled through the barren desert, they became concerned where they were going to get food, and they complained. G-d provided them each day with Heavenly food, which they called Mun – Manna. This phenomenal food was their source of sustenance through their 40 years of …

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A Location Named Bitter

(Torah Portion Beshalach) A Location Named Bitter G-d miraculously split the Red sea on behalf of the Jewish nation and drowned the Egyptian army that pursued them. The Torah then relates that the Jews continued their journey in the desert and after traveling three days could not find water. Then, “They arrived at Marah, but …

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Early Departure

(Torah Portion Beshalach) Early Departure Although the quickest and easiest route from Egypt to the Land of Israel is along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea, and modern day GPS would have directed the Jews this way, nevertheless, G-d directed the Jews differently; He told them to travel toward the wilderness in the direction of …

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Who Will Benefit!

(Torah Portion Beshalach) Who Will Benefit!   Miriam, who was Aaron and Moshe’s older sister, was a remarkable person. She was a leader and one of the seven women prophetesses. Miriam and her mother Yocheved were the Jewish midwives who blatantly ignored Pharoh’s decree to abort the Jewish baby boys. Our Sages tell us that …

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