Tag: Beraishis

Who We Are!

A critical moment like this, is an opportune time to pause and appreciate who we truly are. During a conversation with an acquaintance of mine, out of deep frustration and pain over the Hamas murderous and unthinkable atrocities they did to our fellow Jews, he said, Israel should go into Gaza and respond in the …

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Sunrise Sunset!

The Torah begins with the word Beraishis – “In the beginning”, and then goes on to describe each of the seven days of creation. Our Sages expound on the word Beraishis. Not only does this word mean “in the beginning of the world,” it is also to be read, “because of the beginning.” Because of …

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Awesomely Good!

This past Wednesday, during the Holiday of Simchas Torah, we completed the Torah – the Written Law – also known as the five books of Moshe. Because Moshe was chosen by G-d to teach the Jewish people, G-d’s Torah is attributed to Moshe. Following G-d’s Revelation on Mount Sinai, Moshe ascended to the Heavens for …

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Oh Man!

The Torah relates that G-d formed man out of the soil of the earth and then He blew life into his nostrils. Man then became a living entity. And so it is with the creation and birth of each human being, G-d, by breathing life into us, is the third partner in our creation. Adam …

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What About Me!

The Talmud relates that the Torah preceded the creation of the world by many years. The Kabalah – the source of our mystical teachings – relates that when G-d was ready to create the world He peered into the Torah using it as a blueprint for creation. When G-d gave us the Torah He commanded …

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Distinction & Purpose!

When someone or something is given a name or title, he or it is given an identity and a certain reality. The Torah states that during the seven days of creation of the world G-d specifically called or named six things: Light, night (darkness), the waters, the sky, the earth and Adam – man. After …

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Its Very Good

(Torah Portion Beraishis) It’s Very Good! As we are set to begin the new yearly cycle of the weekly Torah reading, one may wonder what is the purpose of reviewing the Torah again and again? Is there more to Torah then the average book that is read once, maybe twice and then put away with …

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Precious Letters

(Torah Portion Beraishis) Precious Letters!  This Shabbos we begin reading Beraishis, the first portion of the Torah and starting a year of weekly public readings of the Torah which we will finish next Simchas Torah. The Torah makes every one of us responsible to become proficient in the Torah through its study. One popular regimented …

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Read It

(Torah Portion Beraishis ) Read It! I had a friend who was much older I was. He was very sharp, determined and a bit stubborn. From time to time we would discuss…well…much more like argue over Torah concepts, such as, belief in G-d, and the authenticity of our G-d given Torah. Our discussions would inevitably …

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