Passover Messages

  • Accuracy!

    This past summer we were at an ice cream shop with our grandchildren, and I asked my unbashful grandson Moshe if he would sing us a song. He got up on his chair and began singing loudly, “Pharoh in pajamas in the middle of the night.” As he was belting this out, we were further …

  • Wealth!

    The last days of Pesach are observed on Wednesday and Thursday. The Torah calls it a day of holy calling. Three days after the Jews were freed from Egypt, Pharoh and his army chased after the Jews. When they caught up with the Jews, G-d protected the Jews by placing His cloud of glory between …

  • Lift Up!

    As the Jews were getting ready to enter the Land of Israel, they were met with resistance from a few nations that hated them. The Torah tells us that Balak, the King of Moav, feared that the Jews would attack his nation, and hired Billam, a non-Jewish prophet, to use his powers to curse the …

  • Split!

    On the seventh day after the exodus from Egypt, the Egyptian army pursued the Jews until they reached the Red Sea. G-d performed a great miracle and split the sea sparing them and drowning the Egyptians. The Seventh day of Pesach commemorates this miracle. A few years ago, Rabbi Yaacov Schnaidman, dean of the Milton …

  • Compelling!

    Although it has been over twenty years since I last participated at a Seder which was majestically led by my father, I must say, the Seder at our home is very much a representation of my father’s Seder. This is the first that year that I can’t call my father erev Pesach to ask him …

  • It’s Day!

    During the Seder, when we recite the ten plagues G–d brought upon the Egyptians, we customarily pour off some wine from our cup with one of our fingers. This gesture shows that we are not completely happy because pain was inflicted upon the Egyptians. We recite the ten plagues to focus on G-d’s power and …

  • Current Events!

    The seventh and eighth days of Passover commemorate the great miracle G-d performed by splitting the Red Sea for the Jews and allowing them to escape from the pursuing Egyptian army. The Torah relates that after the Jews were freed from Egypt and had traveled three days, Pharoh had a change of heart and pursued …

  • Out of the Blue!

    Our forefather Yaacov’s entire family came down to Egypt to join Yosef, the viceroy of Egypt, and settled in the section of land called Goshen. This idyllic arrangement lasted for 94 years until Levi, the last of the tribal heads, passed away. During this time the Jews proliferated and became very successful. The Pharoh became …

  • State of Timelessness!

    In the beginning of the recital of the Hagadah we reveal the Matzos and say, ‘Ha Lachma Ania.’ We refer to the Matzah as the symbol of our slavery and affliction, because Matzah was consumed by our ancestors in Egypt during their enslavement since it takes less time to bake and takes longer to digest …

  • Passover 5771

    What Makes this Shabbos so Great At our Seders we recount the ten plagues that G-d brought upon the Egyptians and while doing so, we traditionally pour off some wine from our cups. A phenomenal feature of the plagues is that it never affected, disturbed or came upon any of the Jews! However, the last …

  • Passover 5772 Reliving the Experience Part 1

    Passover 5772 Reliving the Experience During the recitation of the Hagaddah at the Passover Seder, we come across a remarkable description of the slaying of the firstborn, which was the final plague. The Hagadah quotes verses from the Torah regarding the plague and then explains. “And I (G-d) passed through the Land of Egypt on …

  • Last days of Passover 5772: Freedom in a Flash-Part 2

    Last days of Passover 5772: Freedom in a Flash We are all familiar with the four questions asked at the Seder that begin with the words, “Mah Nishtanah – Why is this night different than other nights of the year.” What is puzzling is that the Hagaddah does not answer all the questions. It explains …

  • (Passover 5773) Take It With You!

    (Passover 5773) Take It With You! One year, after experiencing the uplifting Seders and the total Passover experience, which entailed tremendous amounts of work, a particularly busy Baalabustah with a large family said, “The experience that I went through is a notch in my spiritual belt which will stay with me as time moves on, …

  • (Passover 5774) Pesach!

    (Passover 5774) Pesach! In the Hagadah during the Seder the questions of four different sons are discussed. The wise son asks, “What are all these testimonies, statutes and laws that G-d Almighty has commanded?” Rabbi Nisan Alpert o.b.m. wonders why he is asking this question specifically on Passover. Wouldn’t it be more appropriate to ask …

  • (Passover 5775) Open the Doors!

    (Passover 5775) Open the Doors! Pesach is a special time, when family, friends, and at times random guests, gather to spend time together. This is particularly the case at the Seder where there is interaction, sharing of ideas, questions, answers and participating in the Mitzvos associated with the Seder. Sharing our tradition with others is …

  • (Last Days of Pesach 5775) Miriam!

    (Last Days of Pesach 5775) Miriam! The Hallel prayer of thanks and praise to the Almighty is recited on practically all holidays and semi-holidays. The blessings and chapters of the Hallel, taken from King David’s Psalms, capture a unique expression of a Jews’ thankfulness to the Almighty. In the second chapter of Hallel, we mention …