Category: Vayikra

What Happened!

A few weeks ago I received a very disturbing call from Stephen, an old family friend. His voice was faint and he was breathing heavily. He told me he was at home dying from corona and he wanted to tell me how much I, my family and my extended family meant to him. He also …

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In the beginning of creation G-d gave man one prohibition, not to eat from the Tree of Knowledge. The Torah relates that the serpent, who represents the evil inclination, convinced Eve to eat from the tree through the following argument and enticement. “If you eat from the tree you will be G-d-like.” What was so …

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Phone Conversations!

I learned a few things from my phone conversations this week: I called an old acquaintance of mine to offer condolence upon the passing of his father, Rabbi Avrohom Simcha Steinberg. I didn’t know his father personally but would see him from time to time and his ever present smile stood out along with a …

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Our grandchildren called the other day and shared with us a series of ‘knock knock’ jokes. Of course we laughed along with them even though most of them were the same jokes we remembered from our youth. The other night I had a fitful sleep. I guess it was because my father (Boruch ben Chaya …

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Peering Inward

The other day I was speaking to a respected woman in our community and she told me, “I think G-d is sending this virus as a response to all the negativity that has been so prevalent in society.” I told her, “Thank you, you just gave me a Drasha to use for this week!” The …

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The Torah tells us that at the beginning of creation the entire universe was filled with water, and then on the second day G-d separated the waters lifting half to the heavens and leaving the other half on the earth. Our sages tell us that the angel of the lower waters complained, “Why are we …

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