Category: Shemos

Outer Space!

Everyone is looking for some guidance and meaning during the outbreak of the COVID 19 virus. Over the past week a number of Rabbis have shared words of inspiration and direction and I wish to share some meaningful points that touched me. Rabbi Yitzchok Berkowitz pointed out that when one follows the guidelines of social …

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Silver Anniversary!

I have had the privilege to present Torah ideas through the Shabbat Shalom Message for the past twenty-five years. This week completes our twenty-fifth cycle of messages, and throughout this time I missed only two weeks! The list has grown to over 22,000 recipients! I consider it a great merit and an enormous responsibility to …

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What If !

In the course of life there are countless times when we make decisions that impact upon our future and destiny. The decisions may relate to medical treatment, religious matters, investments, careers, relationships, education, or interpersonal relationships. At times we reflect on a decision we made and realize that had we decided otherwise it would have …

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Little Angels!

The Torah details the materials and the dimensions of the vessels and components of the holy Temple that accompanied the Jews during their forty year sojourn in the desert. The holiest of all vessels was the Ark of Testimony, which housed the tablets of the Ten Commandments, both the shattered pieces of the first set …

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Last week I came across a moving story shared by Rabbi L. Scheinbaum in his weekly publication, Penimim on the Torah. In the aftermath of the 1973 Yom Kippur war, Rabbi Yisroel Lau, then the Chief Rabbi of Tel Aviv sought to alleviate the pain of wounded soldiers by visiting the local hospital which specialized …

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Our Parsha is host to the narrative of the colossal one-time event when G-d appeared at Mount Sinai and proclaimed the Ten Commandments in the presence of the entire Jewish Nation. Rashi, quoting the Medrash, explains some of the verses related to the Revelation. The nation saw – means that all the blind were healed. …

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Designer Walls!

One of the greatest miracles in history was that G-d split the Red Sea for the Jewish people to allow them to pass through safely. The sea then drowned the remnant of the Egyptian army. The Torah relates that after this colossal event our leader Moshe led the Jews in a song of thanks to …

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G-d created within us a Yetzer Harah – our evil inclination – that works tirelessly to stir up our inner passion and wild side. It encourages us to have a rebellious and anti-establishment attitude, to become naysayers and doubters, and for us to loathe religion and break rules. G-d placed the evil inclination within us …

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We Are One!

The Pharoh of Egypt decreed that all male newborn babies be thrown in the Nile to drown. The Torah then relates that Amram and Yocheved, a couple from the Tribe of Levi, had a son, who would eventually become known as Moshe. They recognized immediately that their baby was special because the whole house was …

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