Category: 5779

Because I’m Happy!

In this week’s portion the Torah tells us of personal and national tragedies that will befall the Jewish people if they do not uphold and observe the Torah. Surprisingly, in the middle of the rebuke the verse states, “These calamities will come upon you because in the midst of your plenty you did not serve …

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Chewing in his Ear!

Through hints, acronyms and Gematria’s that are embedded in the Hebrew letters, words and verses of Torah we come to appreciate the fascinating precision, symmetry and accuracy of our holy Torah and tradition. Elul, the month that precedes Rosh Hashana, is spelled with four Hebrew letters. There are numerous verses where the first letters of …

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The Torah instructs that whenever the Jewish nation went out to war, a Kohain entrusted with matters of wars along with a Judge, give a charge to the troops as the troops amassed at the edge of the battlefield. They announced the following exemptions: “Anyone who has built a house and has not yet resided …

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Don’t Say it Again!

During the times when Israel was governed by Jewish leaders and kings and when the dictates of the Sanhedrin – Halachic High court ― were enforced, if a Jew was caught stealing and had no means to repay, the court had him sold as a Hebrew slave to a Jewish owner. With the proceeds of …

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View, Like & Follow!

Last week’s portion contained the first portion of the Shema prayer. In this week’s portion, the second portion of the Shema is recorded. The second portion of the Shema begins with the exhortation of G-d for us to heed His commands and His promise of great benefits when we do so. The portion concludes with …

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Six Paramount Words!

This week, a woman who became a great-grandmother for the first time, told me that she would be heading out of town to visit the baby and that during her stay she would whisper the Shema Yisroel prayer into the baby’s ear. This is something that the child’s parents would not be doing because of …

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10, 17 and 9!

According to our calendar year, the Hebrew date for this Shabbos is the ninth of Av – Tisha B’Av. Tisha B’Av is synonymous with our mourning over the destruction of our Temples. However, when it coincides with the holy day of Shabbos, our enjoyment of the delicious Shabbos treats and foods trumps the fasting of …

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The women of the country of Midyan deliberately exploited themselves in a lewd and suggestive manner and caused the Jews to sin which brought about a plague that cost the lives of tens of thousands of Jews. As a result, G-d commanded Moshe to wage war against Midyan to avenge the death of the Jews. …

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That’s Not Nice!

This week’s Torah portion is titled Pinchos, who was a heroic person. Since the time of Noach, the inhabitants of the world had taken upon themselves a set of moral and ethical rules. These rules are referred to as the Seven Noachide Laws. Included in these laws is the prohibition of adulterous relationships. Until our …

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He Blew It!

The Mishna in Ethics of Our Fathers makes a distinction between two figures; our forefather Avraham and the wicked non-Jewish prophet Bilaam. The Mishna tells that a student of Avraham possesses the following three qualities; a good eye, a humble spirit and a gentle soul; whereas a student of Bilaam, possesses an evil eye, an …

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