Category: 5771

Impressions of Huge Fruit

(Torah Portion Shlach) Impressions of Huge Fruit When Moshe instructed the 12 spies what to look for when they scouted the Land of Israel, he ordered them to bring back its fruits. The Torah continually stresses the wonderful material and productive qualities of the Land of Israel. Some examples: Israel is often referred to as, …

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Fear Factor

(Torah Portion Korach) Fear Factor I recently received an intriguing question from a college student, one of the recipients of the Shabbat Message. Please allow me to share it with you. Rabbi: I wanted to ask this question to a rabbi for the longest time…. Given the fact that we have free will to do …

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(Torah Portion Chukas) Brotherhood When the Jewish nation traveled through the desert a special ark preceded them, which miraculously flattened any hills or mountains that stood in their way. However, three mountains remained. Mount Sinai – where they received the Torah; Har Hahor – where Aaron was buried, and Har Nevo – where Moshe was …

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(Torah Portion Balak) Change! The titles of six of the fifty-four portions of the Torah are named after people. Noach, Sarah, Yisro, Korach, Balak and Pinchas. This is certainly an eclectic group of famous people. Yet upon analyzing their personalities, it appears that they share a common thread. They all sought or experienced change; some …

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(Torah Portion Matos) Swearing This week?s Torah portion speaks of the laws concerning oaths and vows. The Torah states: ?According to whatever he expresses from his mouth he shall do.? Rashi cites a Medrash that states: Based on this, one might think that even if he swears to eat non Kosher food, he is bound …

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What Food Can Do

(Torah Portion Massai) What Food Can Do The Torah states that if one killed another person unintentionally, i.e. while descending a ladder, a rung broke loose and he fell upon a person and killed him, the one who killed must flee to one of forty-eight cities of refuge which were scattered throughout the Land of …

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Great Personalities

(Torah Portion Vayikra) Great Personalities This week we begin reading Vayikra, the third book of the Torah, which begins with the word “Vayikra” – “And He called.” G-d called our leader Moshe and instructed him about the sacrificial offerings performed in the Temple. Commentators explain that whenever G-d commanded Moshe, He first called him, as …

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Classified Info Leaks

(Torah Portion Tzav) Classified Info Leaks In the past few weeks the world has witnessed tremendous change, uncertainty and unrest in the Middle East; the earthquake and tsunami in Japan caused a massive death toll and a current fear of radioactive contamination; and in Itamar, Israel, a couple and three of their young children were …

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The Tallest Man I Knew

(Torah Portion Shimini) The Tallest Man I Knew (A Special Tribute-See Below) Many people are under the impression that the laws of Kosher were established because of health issues, such as to protect from disease or because of the lack of cleanliness of certain species. If one follows this line of thinking, one may say …

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Renewal With the Moon

(Torah Portion Tazria) Renewal With the Moon Every year, on the Shabbos before Rosh Chodesh Nisan, we read an additional segment from a second Torah scroll. In this portion, G-d commanded Moshe to sanctify the new month with the appearance of the new moon. This command was issued while the Jews were still in Egypt …

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